I am trying to build Grafana v6.7.4 from source on Windows. To do this I have been following the instructions posted on this site. Here are the steps I have taken to get to where I am (these are all run in an msys/mingw environment) :
- Download and install Go 1.13.14
- Download and install node 12.17.0
- In the Go structure I clone grafana and checkout v6.7.4
- From the source directory run “go run build.go setup”
- Run “go run build.go build”
- Install yarn “npm install -g yarn”. This installs version 1.22.4
- Run “yarn install --pure-lockfile”, I have also tried --frozen-lockfile
- Run “yarn build”
All of this runs successfully with no errors. I think launch grafana from the bin\windows-amd64 directory using where I set the ini to use, the homepath, and the paths to provisions, logs, data and plugins. This is where things go off the rails. I get the generic:
"If you’re seeing this Grafana has failed to loads its application files
- This could be caused by your reverse proxy settings
- If you host grafana under subpath make sure your grafana.ini root_url setting includes subpath
- If you have a local dev build make sure you build frontend using: yarn start, yarn start:hot, or yarn build
- Sometimes restarting grafana-server can help"
To debug this further I have downloaded the 6.7.4 windows release and just replaced the build and views directories in the grafana/public directory where I compiled. I then run my exact same command to launch grafana using my compiled back end and everything is happy. I also went all the way back until the build worked for me and was able to get a fully working build by following the exact instructions above and using the v6.6.2 tag. So unless the instructions have changed between v6.6.2 and v6.7.4 I believe I am following the correct process. Everything is being run using localhost and I am not trying to do anything outside of my environment.
After scouring the community here I found that it may be specific to the Edge browser with my “broken” environment so I installed both Firefox and Chrome and they are working fine. This confuses me even further and would like my resulting content to work on all browsers.
I would like to be able to develop on the newer baseline, but I am unable to test anything on the Edge browser in my Windows 10 VM.
I have done these exact same steps on a Centos7 machine and it generates a functional environment, but of course I did not test this with the Edge browser.
I have also run all of the front end and back end tests per the instructions I found on the grafana site, and I only get a couple of failures out of the lot and they do not appear to be related to this issue I am seeing. There are also 0 errors being reported on the console and nothing in the generated grafana.log file.
Any help I could get on this would be great, and if you need any further information or would like me to test anything else out I am more than happy to do so.