How to create a mute timing using terraform for weekends?

Hi! I have configured a mute timing for my alerts to not be trigger on non-working hours, so I created a:

resource "grafana_mute_timing" "my_mute_timing" {
  name = "My Mute Timing"

  intervals {
    times {
      start = "00:00"
      end   = "12:15"

So it worked properly for weekdays, from monday to friday, however, when I created the same for weekends:

resource "grafana_mute_timing" "my_mute_timing2" {
  name = "IB Mute Timing 2"

  intervals {
    weekdays = [ "saturday:sunday" ]

I got a Bad Request error. The same happens when I create it manually using the UI. How can I do to mute notifications on weekends?

It worked when I put:
weekdays = ["saturday", "sunday"]