How to show the latest 24-hour metrics data and the latest 10-hour metrics data in the same panel without the help of the time picker located in the top right corner? (The data source is InfluxDB)

I need to show the latest 24-hour metrics data and the latest 10-hour metrics data in the same panel. The data source is InfluxDB. My SQL is as follows.

However, the data I saw is showed according to the time range selector located in the top right corner. 【”time” > now() – 24h】 and 【”time” > now() – 10h】do not work. For example, please see the following pic. I chose 【Last 3 hours】in the top right corner, and then the data in the panel named as【latest 24hours & 10hours】changed according to 【Last 3 hours】.

How to show the latest 24-hour metrics data and the latest 10-hour metrics data in the same panel without the help of the time picker located in the top right corner?

Look forward to your soon reply.
Thank you.

You can specify a time range override in the time range tab in the graph panel, specify 24h in the relative time override field

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What about for gauges using recent versions of Grafana’s UI? It seems like the instant checkbox seems to solve my problem, but I can’t find any documentation on what this actually is doing.