I have configured email alert with grafana. want to add email subject as subject-title-status for easy undestanding

hello all
i have configured grafana email alert and it is working fine.
changes that i want to make is to have email subject as subject-title-status.
as of now i getting only
i tried to change /usr/share/grafana/public/emails/ng_alert_notification.html this file as {{(Subject .Subject “{{.Title}}” (“{{.Message}}”))}}
but getting error message as

so anyone having insights pls share to me. thanks in advance.

@santhoshs we’re adding support for this soon!

#49742 Alerting: Add templated subject config to email notifier

Is there any update? Suddenly moving from 8 to 9 screw up all the automatic workflow because the “Alerting / OK” automated mail subject is not working anymore…this is serious and urgent and rise a question: why changing something which was working???

Please can you link some valuable documentation? Thank you!

@danielesalvigni here’s a link to the section of our docs that describe what to expect with grafana alerting in 9.0 and how to opt-out if you want to roll back to legacy alerting:

There is a configuration option in 9.x that will allow you to enter a custom email subject line and you’ll also want to check out the steps to enable images in alerts (it’s changed from legacy alerting.

Edit to add: I wish I had seen your update earlier, I hope this is still helpful :slight_smile:

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