I have inserted data into InfluxDB and there is time gap of inserting data between influxDB and Grafana Dash board. I have used Heatmap plugin for dashboard.
Issue is :- In influx DB data is inserted at " 2017-12-14T17:35:36.430980177Z " , but in Grafana dashboard its showing " Dec-14-17 11:05:33 "
I have used below metrices query to fetch the data through influxDB Datasource " SELECT “Status” FROM “ABC” WHERE Component=‘Application’ AND ComponentName=‘abcProd’ and $timeFilter "
Can anyone please help me regarding this. Waiting for the replies.
This is heat map plugin as we are displaying only one data for testing purpose and the query is start with " SELECT ". I have tried with " SELECT LAST() " also, but the result is same .
Query is - " SELECT “Status” FROM “ABC” WHERE Component=‘Application’ AND ComponentName=‘abcProd’ and $timeFilter "
Hi, I have checked with the query inspector. There value of time is coming in influxDB format. Could you please tell me , shall i need to configure Grafana for this time format in the configuration file. Below is the screen shot of query inspector
I am facing the exact same problem (mismatch between influxdb and grafana dashboard timestamps). Going through the comments here I cannot find any suggested fix. So I was wondering if this issue ever got resolved?
I am having same problem (mismatch between influxdb and grafana dashboard timestamps). Queries returns with correct timestamp. Graph shows time -4 hours. My time sone is UTC -4. As you can see in the image, the timeframe of the graph is correct, but the timestamp of the data is off by -4 hours.