Problem with timestamp

I have a problem with dashboard - something is being rendered that is not in the tidal database at all. As far as I can see, the problem will be somewhere in the processing of time stamps.

When I use the query inspector, the time formats do not correspond to me. In the first one I have a unix_timestamp which is correct with a corresponding value.

But when I look at the data tab - it shows me wrong. There are also time stamps from the future, and the values are also non-corresponding. And according to these, a graph is drawn for me, which in that case is wrong.

For example:

time: 1680790676000
( GMT: Thursday 6. April 2023 14:17:56)

in data tab is two hours more:
2023-04-06 16:17:56

And then graph not corresponding.
Can you any idea how resolve this?