K6 Cloud executions

I am trying to use free cloud executions for 50 tests at least.
But every-time i get some subscription issues.

If i try from my MAC machine to run through still i get some error or even i try using Azure pipeline running in the cloud, still i face same error.

Running in cloud is not free??

Error from local

Aborted by limitArchive validation failed for test_run_id=746167: The subscription of organization 'pawan's default organization (1131569)' doesn't allow for starting k6 cloud test-runs. (3114)

Error using Azure
RRun k6 cloud load test within Azure Pipelines

View raw log

1. Starting: RRun k6 cloud load test within Azure Pipelines


Task : Command line

Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows

Version : 2.164.2

Author : Microsoft Corporation

Help : https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/command-line


Generating script.

Script contents:

k6 cloud --quiet cloud.js

========================== Starting Command Output ===========================

/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /home/vsts/work/_temp/41fcee62-ae11-43aa-973f-bf2a7c081e6d.sh

/\ |‾‾| /‾‾/ /‾/

/\ / \ | |_/ / / /

/ \/ \ | | / ‾‾\

/ \ | |‾\ \ | (_) |

/ __________ \ |__| \__\ \___/ .io

uploading script [----------------------------------------------------------]

time="2020-06-13T07:17:05Z" level=error msg="(400/E3114) Too many load zones for subscription: 2 > 1."

##[error]Bash exited with code '255'.

Finishing: RRun k6 cloud load test within Azure Pipelines

@pawansinha4u For some reason your account didn’t have a trial associated with it, which is why you were not able to run k6 tests in our cloud. I’ve manually added this for you, so you should be good to go now.

This bug appears to be very limited at first glance - my first guess is it has something to do with how long ago you registered for an account with LoadImpact. We will dig in deeper to ensure it doesn’t impact other returning users though.

Let us know if you run into any other weirdness.


Thank you, its working now.