I am trying to use the Grafana Live Measurements feature rolled out in Grafana 7.4. I am using Grafana version 8.0. I am sending data to Grafana via Telegraf (UDP messages).
I am having issues with how the data is displayed in the panel. It should be showing 30s of live stream data, but instead it is only graphing maybe 1s-100ms of data and then not showing the rest of the older data points:
Has encountered this and if so were you able to resolve it?
Here is the data that should be showing (this is not using the live plugin):
Tried live streaming with G8 and because data is not being saved on a tsdb like influx/prometheus, then grafana only shows the last read from telegraf.
It is a query over a tsdb that shows a trace/graph continuous.
Now I’m trying to use Status Panel pluging to use more like a “semaphore” traffic lights. To use it with ping polling input pluging on telegram.