Hi Team,
I am facing an weird issue while integrating New Relic and K6. I am able to execute the below docker command successfully.
docker run
-d --restart unless-stopped
–name newrelic-statsd
-h $(hostname)
-e NR_ACCOUNT_ID=368****
-e NR_API_KEY=“44c12b05******************”
-p 8125:8125/udp
Where NR_ACCOUNT_ID is my NR account ID and NR_API_KEY is my API Key. I have copied both account id and api key from NR by navigating MyAccount → API Keys. I generated INGEST_LICENSE type key.
When I execute my K6 script with the below command k6 run --out statsd /.js
I don’t see the metrics in my NR.
I tried to execute “docker logs newrelic-statsd” command and I see the error message “time=“2021-07-15T07:51:58Z” level=warning msg="[newrelic] failed to send, sleeping for 3.744768988s: received bad status code 403”. I am sure its related to NR account and key issue. But I couldn’t resolve/find any solution. Can someone help?
On first glance the NR_ACCOUNT_ID in the command and the one in the screenshots are different. I am also not sure if it’s good idea to show your account ID
In all cases this seems to come from the new relic statsd software, so maybe ask their support for help?
From what I remember when testing with New Relic a few weeks ago, I think you need an API “insert key” instead of an “ingest license” one.
The NR UI is a bit confusing with this as API keys are managed on a separate page. For me this is: https://insights.eu.newrelic.com/accounts/<your account ID>/manage/api_keys and looks like this:
Thanks @mstoykov. It was a typo and I confirmed both account id passed in the docker command and shown in the snapshot are same. I am still unable to figure out the root cause of this issue.
Thank you @imiric I created an API key using insert key option and passed it in the docker command and result is same and don’t see the metrics in NR. I did execute curl command as well to see if that works or not. However, I saw invalid query command as a result.
If you guys find anything related to this, please post it here. Thank you again.