I’m starting with Loki in a docker environment. Logs are already transmitted to loki using the loki docker driver. On the grafana/loki side the loglevels are not recognized.
My app send the loglevel as a 3 character constant: INF, ERR, WRN, CRI.
AFAIK Loiki expects here a hard-coded list of loglevels: error, warning, information.
What is here the best practice? Can the logLevels be customized (per client) or must all clients implement the loglevels loki expects? Is there maybe some kind of pipeline with which Loki can “transform” the loglines before importing them?
thanks a lot. Yout hint with the pattern parser helped me already a lo to extract the loglevel into a label. Is there also a way to extract it into loki “native loglevel” with doing a substitude.