Refresh Grafana Dashboard triggered by Python-Code

Hello together,
I would like to achieve that the refresh of my grafana dashboard is triggered by python code. This way I can make sure that always the latest data is displayed on the dashboard without setting a very short automatic refresh interval of for example one second.

My idea was to look for a corresponding API endpoint from Grafana, which I can then address from the Python script. Unfortunately I could not find a suitable endpoint for this.

ChatGPT suggested me the following code:

import requests

def refresh_dashboard(api_key, dashboard_uid):
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    url = f'http://your-grafana-instance/api/dashboards/uid/{dashboard_uid}/refresh'
    response =, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        print('Dashboard refresh successful')
        print(f'Dashboard refresh failed. Status code: {response.status_code}')

# Example usage
api_key = 'your-api-key'
dashboard_uid = 'your-dashboard-uid'

refresh_dashboard(api_key, dashboard_uid)

However, the URL used is not so included in the Swagger documentation of grafana, so I doubt the existence of the endpoint.

However, the suggested code works when using as URL an endpoint specified in the Swagger documentation.

Has anyone ever had a similar use case and a suitable solution suggestion for it?

Grafana Version 9.5.1
Docker 23.0.2 on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

That’s correct. Why do you trust ChatGPT and not documentation?

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Hello jangaraj,
Thank you for the reply!
“Trust” is literally the wrong word. It was just another method in finding a solution.
Please focus on the main problem, if there are ways to trigger the refresh of a grafana dashboard externally for instance via python code.

I would say your idea (to have some “refresh” API) is naive. There is Grafana Live, which is used to refresh dashboard, when there is Dashboard change notifications.

BUT: it is not very well documented, because it is mainly internal feature. So you will have to dig in Grafana source code to understand event format, subscriptions, …
It is also not a simple HTTP request, but websocket is used, so you will need more advance knowledge.

I gave you idea, where to look and what to explore.

Generally, I wouldn’t do that. Your main problem is how to get a near realtime data to the dashboard, not how to refresh dashboard. So your solution should be “metric streaming” to the dashboard, e.g. New in Grafana 8.0: Streaming real-time events and data to dashboards | Grafana Labs