I’m trying to do some load testing. I need to test at a rate of X requests per second. I presume that my VU iteration will take 1 second to execute. If it ends early, I sleep for the difference.
Within an iteration I issue an http post. Under load this can take more than one second to return, which means that my next iteration doesn’t begin 1 second later. This means I’m testing at < X requests per second.
I understand there is support for async default methods now. Does that mean that the VU will begin a second iteration while the first is still awaiting a reply, or will the VU resolve everything between iterations?
Maybe there’s a completely different mechanism I should be using to achieve reliably iteration frequency… suggestions?
EDIT: I’ve done some testing using an async default method. Unfortunately, it does seem that the VU waits for all pending promises to resolve before beginning a subsequent iteration.