Show multiple columns on Grafana Table Plugin

I know this is simple but I can’t see any option to show all the columns in a data table,
I have 3 queries named “Counter”,“Expression” and “Random”.
what I like is rather than choose a column name, I would like those 3 columns to be in the table,
It is something like “inspect data” that joins in terms of time.

How am I going to do it?

Looking for your guidance.



I think you need a better column to join by than time… alternatively set your group by time interval (1d, 5m, 1m, 30s) so each query resolves to same granularity.

So this is not possible on multiple queries?

I’m wondering the same thing. I know I can achieve this goal by using a group_by but I would like to keep my queries separated instead of having a gigantic one.

It is even possible using the new Table panel?

In case anyone faces this issue, I managed to solve it by using transformations:

I start by defining two queries like below:

And I then configure my transformations so that the queries are combined.
The last step is to rename them.

Good luck!


I hope this is possible on influxDB too.