I am testing a vanilla grafana 5.4.3 (other version have same issue) using docker instance. Our machine’s URL is in DNS and a certificate has been setup for this machine using lets encrypt. When I test the notification function to our slack Webhook, I get the error below on this specific machine. When I try the same on a different machine it works so I can confirm the webhook is valid. I checked to see whether it may be picking up a certificate by mistake but inside the container, it only has the standard set of certificates. I am unsure why I am getting the error below. Can anyone shed light on this and where I should look?
=2019-02-07T21:48:38+0000 lvl=eror msg="Failed to send slack notification" logger=alerting.notifier.slack error="Post https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: x509: certificate is valid for server.company.com, not hooks.slack.com" webhook=test