while installing the tempo service we are getting below error, when checked all the permission is there for that role.
and checked there is no ListObjects action only for aws s3 role.
Attaching to tempo
tempo | level=info ts=2023-07-24T07:59:16.967853292Z caller=main.go:221 msg=“initialising OpenTracing tracer”
tempo | level=info ts=2023-07-24T07:59:16.974292532Z caller=main.go:108 msg=“Starting Tempo” version=“(version=r105-5132d08, branch=r105, revision=5132d0808)”
tempo | level=error ts=2023-07-24T07:59:18.003974575Z caller=main.go:111 msg=“error running Tempo” err=“failed to init module services error initialising module: store: failed to create store unexpected error from ListObjects on dev: Access Denied”
tempo exited with code 1