I just discovered Grafana after using Graphite for years and it´s just amazing!
However there are two little thing I just cant figure out, so any help is much appreciated
Is it possible to sett the default “Line Fill” option to zero for all graphs?
Is it possible to have dual Y-axis, but with the same axis-scale? Would be great for comparing how fast something is accumulating compared to something else.
Hm, I cant find the “Display setting”… could you give me a hint?
Lets say i have 2 series of something growing, one with a value of 100 to 200, and the other one 1000 to 5000. If I just enable dual Y-axis, it will look as if they grow at the same rate (both lines will have about the same slope). I would like the second Y-axis (1000 to 5000) to set the stepping, and the other axis to mimic that. And I cant put them both on the same axis, because the scale is so different.