I tried to use xk6-browser with influxDB 1.8 and Grafana integration, and I have troubles with a table that shows list of http queries.
If we do “http.get” classic method, url of endpoint is in “name” attribute, but in case of xk6-browser, url is in “url” attribute. And I don’t know how I can group by this url, it seems not working:
SELECT count(*) FROM “http_req_duration” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY “url”,“status”,“method” fill(null)
“url” column is empty on this query.
But, if I use this query:
SELECT url, status, method FROM “http_req_duration” WHERE $timeFilter
Everything is nice… I have right values.
Can you please help me?
I’m trying to show a table, that is grouped by url/status/method and average of P95/P99 on each lines…
Thank you for your help!