Hi @mostafa
I have some queries regarding using xk6 kafka extension.
I have below scenario where i have registry , repective jks files and one .p12 file for ssl truststore
props.put("ssl.truststore.location", "./jksfile/ca.p12")
props.put("ssl.truststore.password", "demo")
props.put("schema.registry.url", "https://pp")
props.put("schema.registry.ssl.truststore.location", "./jksfile/truststore.jks")
props.put("schema.registry.ssl.keystore.location", "./keystore-sr.jks")
props.put("schema.registry.ssl.keystore.password", "demo1")
i converted these .p12 and jks files to pem format . Now i am not sure how to use them in script . Where all i need to use this in tlc configuration and how . Can you provide one sample example. i am confused what will go in clientCertPem,
clientKeyPem , and serverpem