I’m new with grafana and influxDB. I have the following problem: When I call the select statement at the database side:
SELECT top(“last”, 5) FROM (SELECT last(“mean”) as “last” FROM “firstPaint” WHERE (“group” =~ /^(en_wikipedia_org|eventcloud_aspnetboilerplate_com|us_yahoo_com|world_taobao_com|www_amazon_com|www_baidu_com|www_facebook_com|www_google_com|www_tmall_com|www_youtube_com|xw_qq_com)/ AND "page" =~ /^(Load_EventCloud|Login|Open_Register|_|_wiki_Barack_Obama|_wiki_Main_Page)/) AND time >= now() - 6h GROUP BY “group”, “page”)
I get the 5 highest mean values from the table firstPaint grouped by “group” and “page”.
But the same used in grafana influxdb query editor:
SELECT top(“last”, 5) FROM (SELECT last(“mean”) as “last” FROM “firstPaint” WHERE (“group” =~ /^domain$/ AND “page” =~ /^page$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY “group”, “page”)
will not shown any results.
Do you have any idea what is wrong?