thank you very much for your kind answer. we just updated grafana so will look into it. Do I have to run the query multiple times (A, B C, etc…) for each result or can I have a single query that returns the values for all graphs? it is a slow query that takes several seconds to complete and would be cool if i could run it only once…
Moreover, i see that it is a time graph… is this possible for a table graph too? I do not have time in my X axis.
What’s a table graph? Do you mean a bar chart like in your example above?
If you mean a bar chart, then yes. An example below, using a series override I moved the y-axis to the right for the Github stars series for this bar chart on our demo site: Grafana
Further to Daniel’s reply re: 2 axis (albeit on a time series), this screenshot may be helpful. It shows how one can use overrides to put the output of query B (memory) on the right axis.
Is the query result that corresponds to #1 on your screen mockup something that never changes (e.g. 1 year from now, you will still want to display that same dataset as an overlay)? Or is it more like a moving average?
In general, with the right query structure, you should be able to obtain what you want.