Issue with Varchar datatype in postgres


I am really new to grafana and trying to develop a dashboard with postgres. But getting the following error in grafana.

SQL Query:

SELECT Count(*) as count,
tm.category::VARCHAR ,
Time_bucket(‘1 weeks’, ts.updation_time) AS TIME
FROM tasks ts
INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm
ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id
AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id
AND ts.status = ‘open’
GROUP BY tm.category, TIME;

Issue :

Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is

Grafana version : 6.3.3

Can somebody please help me with this ??

Hi Jospeh, your query looks good. Could you please share your table schema as well? Also, could you share the full error message that you get - Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is… <- what is the data type.


Thanks for the fast response. The complete error report is :

  "xhrStatus": "complete",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "url": "api/tsdb/query",
    "data": {
      "from": "1562146369269",
      "to": "1569922369269",
      "queries": [
          "refId": "A",
          "intervalMs": 7200000,
          "maxDataPoints": 960,
          "datasourceId": 10,
          "rawSql": "SELECT Count(*) as count, \n     tm.category ,\n\t   Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME  \nFROM   tasks ts \n       INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm \n               ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id \n                  AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id \n                  AND ts.status = 'open' \n                  AND $__timeFilter(ts.updation_time)\nGROUP  BY tm.category, TIME\nORDER  BY TIME;\n\n",
          "format": "time_series"
  "response": {
    "results": {
      "A": {
        "error": "Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is <nil>",
        "refId": "A",
        "meta": {
          "sql": "SELECT Count(*) as count, \n     tm.category ,\n\t   Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME  \nFROM   tasks ts \n       INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm \n               ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id \n                  AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id \n                  AND ts.status = 'open' \n                  AND ts.updation_time BETWEEN '2019-07-03T09:32:49.269Z' AND '2019-10-01T09:32:49.269Z'\nGROUP  BY tm.category, TIME\nORDER  BY TIME;\n\n"
        "series": null,
        "tables": null
    "message": "Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is <nil>"

I have resolved the problem by rewriting the query with null check. I think the null values are creating some problem. The updated query is :

SELECT Count(*) as count, 
     tm.category ,
	   Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME  
FROM   tasks ts 
       INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm 
               ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id 
                  AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id 
                  AND ts.status = 'open' 
                  AND $__timeFilter(ts.updation_time)
                  AND tm.category is not null
GROUP  BY tm.category, TIME

Is it an expected behavior ? Table schema is given below :

CREATE TABLE public.tasks_metadata
    task_id character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    project_id character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    planned_finish_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    priority integer,
    task_name character varying(500) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    category character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    sub_category character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    CONSTRAINT tasks_metadata_pkey PRIMARY KEY (task_id, project_id)



Awesome! I am very glad that you were able to solve the issue Joseph! :tada:

very very very good! I was trying solve that … 1 week trying! now I’ve write the query with null check, and everything it’s working! thanks a lot :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: