MySQL support in newer versions

Version 4.2 is available and I was wondering if MySQL is implemented again or when MySQL support will be available?
I’m using Labtech (Automate).
Would be a really help.

Do you mean as a data source or as the Grafana database for saving users, dashboards etc?

As a DataSource … would be super for Labtech Users …

I’m using a modified Lunix OS version of Grafana with MySQL installed but older version (3.0.2)

It’s on our backlog to write a data source with support for Postgres and MySql (with backend support for alerting as well).

A generic SQL datasource is nontrivial, but an application-specific datasource is pretty straightforward, using the SimpleJson datasource. I’ve been helping a group migrate their telemetry monitoring from a custom webapp to Grafana, using the same Postgres backend; took maybe a couple hours to have the initial PoC with both /search and /query endpoints implemented.

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