Panel Information Banner clips out of browser

When hovering over a panel’s information banner, after the first interaction it defaults to having the panel appear above the user’s mouse, which can cause clipping.

Is there a way to change how this banner appears to not have it clip out of the browser? This issue is strange because on the first time hovering over the info, it will have the banner underneath where there is room, but after it will switch to above and be unreadable.

This is on Grafana v9.4.9

Hi @jakemurray,

Welcome to the :grafana: community support forums !!

We are excited that you joined our OSS community. Please read about some of the FAQs in the community :slight_smile:

This seems to be already fixed in the current stable version 9.5.3

Kindly update to the latest version to get this fixed and incase if that still happens, then feel free to let us know.
