Can't add new users (Grafana 6.0)

Hi there!

I have ‘inherited’ an installation, which is broken, insofar as I just can’t add users.
Where it fails, is simply, that there exists no ‘Add’ button in the user configuration, when I’m logged in as admin user.
When I go on the ‘Home’ screen, the ‘Invite your team’ is also striked through and marked as ‘done’.
So, currently I know of no way to add or invite new users (but I need to…).

I’m the admin of the system and know all required passwords, but somehow, something must have gone wrong during a ‘reconfiguration’ action of my predecessor.

Users are required to have only ‘internal’ access. They do not need to have a github, grafana or google account. - Just the internal DB, that is sufficient.

Any help appreciated! And: I have read all entries about issues with adding new users. I think, my issue is not covered or at last, I didn’t recognize the solution.

Best regards,

Hi Herbert,

Do you have “Invite” button in the Users view?

If so, you should be able to add new users as per this post.
Is that one of the entries you already looked at? If not, can you check if that works for you?

Best regards,

Hi Albert,
thank you for your reply, but that is exactly my problem! - I don’t have this ‘Invite’ button!

And yes, that’s my “Admin” view.

Is it possible, that we have this issue, because we renamed the ‘Admin’ account, by creating a new admin user, giving him admin rights and then removed the original ‘admin’ account?

If so, how can I fix this? - Since currently I can’t even add a new ‘admin’ account.

Best regards,

So, for now, I’m stuck with the question: ‘How do I (re-)enable the “Invite”-Button?’

Somebody any idea how to fix this? - Is it depending on the smtp configuration?


Hi Albert,

no, I’m sorry. I don’t have this button.

Can you advise me, how can I get it back? (And perhaps: How could it disappear?)


Hi Herbert,

I don’t really know how that could happen. Try upgrading Grafana? Or maybe just try running a new instance in parallel to see if it the Invite button is back in a newer version?

Best regards,

Hi Albert,

upgrading may be a real pain in the a…, because my predecessor already warned me about some thing that may (or will) go wrong, after an upgrade. - For now, I don’t dare to do that.
Creating a parallel installation might be the way to go. - I already had the idea to create a complete new environment, including all components (which is, what I started already). But installing a parallel version of Grafana only, might really be the way to go. - I could stop the currently running version and start the new one instead…
Thank you for this idea! (Why didn’t I had this one myself? :slight_smile: )

Thank you so far! - I think, I’ll update this thread, when I have news.
