I’m using Grafana v9.3.8
I used PostgreSQL query to display separate series on single chart (X axis - build ID, Y axis - average time) for each KPI:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (kpi, build_id)
kpi as KPI,
build_id AS BUILD_ID,
average_time AS AVERAGE_TIME
FROM <MY_TABLE> WHERE kpi IN (${kpi}); # $kpi is multi-value variable
I also added Transformation: Partition by values: kpi
The chart is OK but the series labels in Legend displayed as Series 1, Series 2, …
I want to rename series in Legend with values of multi-value variable (number and values are unknown initially and depends on users choice, so cannot set manually)
I tried Standard options: Display name: $kpi, but that didn’t work.
Also tried Overrides: Fields with name: kpi (base field name): Add override property: Display name: ${__series.name}… with no luck